About Me
Born into a metaphysical family, I learned how to use "mind over matter" to heal myself. I grew up surrendering to the Divine and accepted miracles all around me as a natural occurrence. When I was 15, I had my first astral travel experience. In my teenage years, I lived with a prodigy of Edgar Cayce as I learned to interpret dreams to resolve problems and receive information for myself and others. I began to see spirits and energy others did not see.

Everywhere I've visited and lived, I have discovered sacred sites, had mystical experiences, and been blessed by my attraction to nature.
During the 1970s, I lived in San Francisco for a short while and then moved to Phoenix and spent weekends in Sedona. I hiked and explored vortexes, energetic openings and spiritual experiences in that wonderland. I lived for a time in Seattle where the pine forests and the nearby pebble beaches brought me even closer to natural spiritual experiences. While living in Los Angeles, my study of interior design, at both The Parsons and Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise, left me with a passion for art, creativity, and color that remains with me to this day. I also got married and divorced.
I returned to the St Louis area to be near my family. My spirituality has deepened in these last 30 plus years. In several ways...
I met Bob and Mallie Mandel and Sondra Ray and took the Loving Relationships Trainings, here and abroad and had many pivotal spiritual healings that led me to my Rebirthing career. The intense shadow work followed by blissful energy sold me on this incredible modality. Rebirthing's mindset led me deeper into a re-introduction to A Course In Miracles and I began to support others and held study groups for 7 years. I became inspired to produce an audio version of the "Supplements to A Course In Miracles".
This version of "Supplements to A Course in Miracles" can be sampled or purchased (digital or 3-CD audio set) below. The Course taught me how to let go and surrender to the larger part of my Self. The Course's teachings to remember "Love not Fear" guide me to this day to remind me to acknowledge the spiritual truth of ourselves as complete, perfect and whole beings.
The next step in my evolution was when I noticed as I walked by others that my hand "knew" where their pain was in their body and I could go right to it. This led me to become a massage therapist and then to begin my deep, lifelong journey into Mastery through many, many Reiki trainings. It was soon after my massage training that I was guided to answer a newspaper article on what I thought was to be a Reiki session. To my surprise, it was a Reiki class and attunement, just for me led by my soon to be a best friend.
For five years, I had worked at my own business and helped with sales at Mystic Valley where my lifelong psychic abilities
magnified and increasingly showed up everywhere. During that time Barbara McDonald, who was reading Tarot cards taught me the Tarot tradition.
And just over 32 years ago, I had begun my own business and oh so much more...and it seems just like yesterday.
And now here you are, and I'm glad you are. And...I am so looking forward to helping you on your journey in whatever way best serves you.
Brightest Blessings.