Reiki is a natural energy-based Japanese
healing modality used for stress reduction,
relaxation and to promote the body's innate healing ability.

Usui Reiki was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui during a mystical experience on Mt. Kurama and in turn, passed it on to
Dr. Hayashi who passed it on to Mrs. Takata. Mrs. Takata brought a Westernized version to the United States. In 1999,
while in Japan during historical study, Frank Petter rediscovered information about Dr. Usui's original work. I share and teach
the entire historical spectrum of Dr. Usui's teachings and techniques.
These simple-to-learn techniques can be used to heal the self - mentally, emotionally and physically. You can also use them to support healing other people, animals, plants and your world.
I teach the traditional Usui System of Natural Healing as taught by Mrs. Takata and include the Japanese Healing Techniques of Dr. Usui, (rediscovered in 1999). Participants will feel empowered
to heal the self and others. Knowledge of Reiki, its origins, the hand positions, completing a Reiki treatment and more are learned and developed in your Practitioner class.
You will gain an understanding of the Usui Reiki symbols and become skilled at how to use them. Through hands-on experience, we will explore the use of these symbols for healing sessions, sending energy to the past, future and long-distance healing. Besides learning the techniques and symbols, an "attunement" is given by me, as a Reiki Master, to you, which further opens your energy pathways to this source of unlimited "life force energy". This class includes your attunements to First and Second Degree, scanning and beaming, and includes the Japanese Healing techniques of Dr. Usui.

CEUs are available for this class.
Comprehensive Usui Reiki manuals will be available for download with your completed class payment. Students will receive First and Second Degree Usui Reiki Practitioner Certification.
Call me at 314 644-5223 to:
- schedule a class for a different time
- to arrange payment by mail
Includes: ART III & Dr. Usui's Original Reiki Techniques Comprehensive manuals for
all levels will be available for download with completed class payment.
(This 2-Day Package completes your Usui training)​
Call me at 314 644-5223 to discuss classes at other times or to arrange payment by mail.
If you have taken previous healing classes or have previous healing experience and would like to be attuned by me and prefer the attunement only (without taking a Usui class) I can offer you this service. You will need to provide your certification in your specific learned modality and call me to discuss these requirements prior to booking.

This class opens you to higher vibrational frequencies, empowers you with advanced healing tools and skills and includes the advanced healing techniques of Dr. Usui - rediscovered in 1999. ​You will benefit from my teaching and practical working experience and skill since 1992 and have my ongoing support.
You will receive four manuals:
Master Teachers manual
An Art III manual
Reiki Ryoho Japanese Healing Techniques manual
William Rand's Master/Teacher manual
​ plus:
The 2 mandatory attunements - the Healing Attunement and the Usui/Tibetan Master Attunement
Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Certification
Ongoing support after your class time
​You will learn:
How to build and charge an Antahkarana crystal grid and connect with Beings of Light for guidance
How to perform and practice the necessary attunement processes to attune others in all levels
Hands-on knowledge of the Master symbols with practice time
How to teach all levels of Reiki
The necessary skills to create a Reiki business with the ethics to live, practice and teach Reiki as a Master
As this is a full day intensive class, please note class times, may on occasion, go longer. You will always be able to take this class as a refresher at no additional cost.
CEUs are available for this class.
Comprehensive Usui Reiki Master/Teacher manuals will be available
for download with completed class payment.
Call me at 314 644-5223 to:
- schedule a class at a different time
- to arrange payment by mail

After Usui, Karuna is the next step.
Karuna® Reiki was developed by William Rand, who discovered various non-traditional symbols and attunement techniques. Many of these symbols are common to other schools of thought. This powerful Karuna® Reiki system has been called "the next step in the vibrational growth of Reiki". Karuna takes you deeper into the Reiki system and is experienced as compassionate, high-vibrational healing energy coupled with toning and chanting. This compassionate energy allows deep levels of healing and is safely supported by guides, angels, masters and enlightened beings.
This system is complete with all three levels—three attunements, four master symbols, and eight treatment symbols. You will receive Certification and Registration to teach Karuna Reiki® through Wm Rand’s International Center for Reiki Training.
This Master class is available to students with Usui Mastery. The four Karuna Master symbols and Master attunement support you deeply in your growth as a healer. Students learn specific toning and chanting sounds with the Karuna symbols and the guidance of guides and masters. You will be a certified and “Registered Karuna Reiki® Master” with The International Center For Reiki Training. (Founder, William Lee Rand)
Prerequisite: Karuna Reiki Practitioner certification.
A comprehensive 52-page manual is provided (in class) with in-depth descriptions of each symbol, its use and each attunement process.
​Call me at 314 644-5223 to:
- schedule a class at a different time
- to arrange payment by mail

This Practitioner class is available to students who have completed Usui Mastery. Instruction and practice with a total of
eight powerful symbols (four in each practitioner class) support deep healing of cellular issues, and unconscious patterns.
This class is taught in two parts, with the option to take one or both.
A comprehensive 45-page manual is provided (in class)
with in-depth descriptions of each symbol and its use.
​Call me at 314 644-5223 to:
- schedule a class at a different time
- to arrange payment by mail

Sekhem-Seichim Reiki is a combination of three energies – Sekhem, Seichim and Reiki. Sehkem was discovered by Patrick Zeigler after he spent the night in The King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid, receiving an energy infusion that he later transferred to others, one of whom was Diane Shewmaker. Diane had an experience, in one of his classes, that led her to the energy of Seichim. Hence Sekhem-Seichim and Reiki, the third energy being that of Usui Reiki, which an individual can be attuned to, prior, or in a combination class.
Students will need to purchase Diane Shewmaker’s book - "ALL LOVE: A Guidebook For Healing With Sekhem-Seichim Reiki and SKHM" as the course manual and have read the book before class to receive the highest benefit from this class.
The book is available online or by special order from local bookstores. Additionally, you can choose an outlined digital download of the manual provided with class sign-up and completed class payment.
Students can expect to receive knowledge and experience with:
Unified Heart Chakra & Basic Energy System
Central Light Column, Opening and Closing Spiral
Angelic Light Weaving
Release of Repatterning
Release of Energetic Cords
Sealing Auric Leaks
Sound Healing
String of Beads and Initiation in differing levels
Certification in Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki
For serious students, this powerful class can also include the Usui Reiki
Master Teacher Training.
Call me at 314 644-5223 to:
- schedule a class at a differnt time
- to arrange payment by mail