Please specify if you would like a zoom or in-person session.
Service Description
I use a variety of tools from Rebirthing, Transformational Breath, and Holotropic Breathwork. Sessions generally are one hour but some sessions run longer. Please include your best phone number in your PayPal payment so I have your contact info to call at your session time. Thanks. And... I will send a zoom link via the email you use in your payment so if you wish to use another please email to my acct. here. How to prepare in advance: 1. A comfortable space to lay down, possibly on a massage table, yoga mat, mattress or even a comfy sofa 2. The computer turned on and visually aimed at your body so I can see you 3. Blankets, pillow, eye mask, bottled water, a box of tissues, and a journal if you so desire 4. Dress comfortable, yoga or sports clothing and remove any confining jewelry 4. Please go to the toilet before we start 5. Plan to have a restful and relaxing evening to be still with yourself afterward and drink plenty of water NOTE: If your desired time is unavailable or blocked on my Schedule, please CALL ME at 314 644-5223 as cancellations and schedule changes do occur.

Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy ​ Your appointment or class time is important to me and I reserve this time specially for you. I understand that unplanned issues come up and you may need to cancel or reschedule. I respectfully ask for the courtesy of at least 24 hours notice. This allows me to open this otherwise unused time to best serve the needs of all clients and students. If you miss an appointment or class without a 24 hour notice, you may be required to pay the cost of the missed session or forfeit a prepaid session or deposit. I appreciate and thank you for your understanding and cooperation with my business policy.
Contact Details
+ 314 644-5223
Call for directions, St. Louis, MO, 63139